Ready to Reset, Boost Your Energy, Feel Lighter & Brighter?!

If you would like to get a handle on your eating and drinking habits this guided challenge is for you! 

Our techniques make it easy to consume mindfully. 

Support Trussell Trust Food Banks by Taking Part in this Challenge!

Thanks for doing a great thing... Profits (minus transaction & hosting fees) go to the Trussell Trust

What Do You Get?

  • Intuitive Eating & Drinking Training in our Mini Video Series

  • Step by Step Guidance on How to Master our Game Changing Techniques

  • Daily Dose of Support Straight to Your Inbox

  • Downloads That Make it Easy: Visual Prompts, Guides & Tracking Chart

  • Q&A directly with the expert (that’s me) throughout!

  • Start Date Set By You - Kick off Your Challenge At Your Convenience

  • You'll be supporting The 'STOP UK Hunger Campaign' - proportion of profits from this challenge go to The Trussell Trust Nationwide network of Food Banks

  • What if you didn't have to 'give up' what you enjoy?

    Don't get me wrong - if you feel you might have serious issues with food or alcohol then this light-hearted approach is not likely to be appropriate for you. However if you are someone who just gets a little 'mindless' over what you're consuming, then this mindful - everything in moderation - method will help you swiftly move from scoff to savour. What if a little less could give us a whole load more? More taste, flavour & vibrancy. Less 'beer fear' & groggy mornings.

  • What if it could be easy (and fun)?

    It is? Although if it were too easy we couldn't call it a challenge... You'll need to want to go for it! And I'll be there to support you with a way that works. However, take note - this is not another boring diet, there will be no calorie counting, no weigh-ins, no judgement or condescension. You are an adult - you are the one in the driving seat. There's built-in provision for nights out and methods of 'intentional indulgence'. The tools I give you (both physical and mental) will make it more straightforward for you to change your relationship to consumption with ease.

  • Why do I need to sign up to a paid challenge?

    Well, of course you don't. You could just choose to try and consume mindfully... But with this Challenge you'll get expert support, skills and training to help you sail through! Research shows that by making a commitment and having 'skin in the game' we are more likely to do the work and get the outcomes we desire. I've been training people in these techniques for many years in my 1-1 coaching programs and for the first time are making them accessible in this format.

  • Will it take up much of my time?

    No. It is designed to be easy to implement 'as you go'. You'll need to set aside some time to watch the mini trainings and familiarise yourself with the techniques at the start of the Challenge (around 30mins). You decide what day you'd like your challenge to start then you'll receive your daily prompts, which are quick reads and short clips.

Meet Your Expert Instructor...

Frances Trussell

Hi! I'm Frances, Mindfulness transformed my experience of life and I'm passionate about making it accessible to all. I've directly taught mindfulness meditation to many hundreds of people in most settings imaginable. I'm author of bestseller 'You Are Not Your Thoughts; The Secret Magic of Mindfulness'. I appeared on ITV1's Sugar Free Farm as Mindful Eating Coach. I'm a regular contributor throughout the media and keynote speaker at events. I love to help people and have been fortunate to work with a diverse client base, from high profile stars, Olympic athletes and CEO's to the homeless, school children, retirees in their 90's and everything in-between. I am a Zen Mindfulness Meditation Teacher, trained to the highest level, a clinical hypnotherapist, a pioneer of MBRTT (Mindfulness Based Rapid Transformational Therapy) and member of the National Council of Psychotherapy.